124th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment

The 124th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, commonly known as the Orange Blossoms, was a volunteer regiment from Orange County, New York, during the American Civil War. Formed in Goshen during the summer of 1862, The unit was officially mustered into United States Service on September 5, 1862, by Col. Augustus van Horne Ellis, the regiment was made up of volunteers from the surrounding towns and a core of veterans from the 71st New York State Militia.



In progress...


Volunteers we re recruited by town and the 10 companies of the regiment were organized by region:


The Orange Blossoms' first major engagement was at the Battle of Fredericksburg, in December 1862. Thomas W. Bradley, an Orange Blossom and future United States Representative, was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions at the Battle of Chancellorsville in 1863. Colonel Ellis was killed at the Battle of Gettysburg, at Houck's Ridge. Three other officers and 31 enlisted men from the regiment also died during the battle.

The Orange Blossoms also took part in the Overland Campaign, taking losses in the Battle of the Wilderness, the Battle of Cold Harbor, and the Spotsylvania Court House. In June 1864 they were at the Siege of Petersburg. In 1865 they fought in the Appomattox Campaign, and were present during the Confederate surrender at the Battle of Appomattox Courthouse.


See also


  1. ^ Weygant, Charles H. (1877). History of the One Hundred Twenty-Fourth Regiment, N.Y.S.V.. Newburgh, NY: Journal Print House. pp. 17–29. ISBN 0-09673770-3-x. 

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